Aste correnti

Ayvens Carmarket - New Arrivals (60)
Asta - Noleggio a lungo termine - Prezzi mostrati IVA inclusa - FR (66)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (136)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (329)
KBC Autolease NV (83)
Tax Free Cars (182)
Exclusive selection in Autorola (25)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (7)
Comercial vehicles (9)
Exclusive vehicle (46)
Asta - Rental Car - FR (21)
Special Selection (89)
Renting Damaged Cars (197)
Die Autobahn - Fahrzeuge & Geräte (13)
Allane - Ex-leasing vehicles (205)
Asta - Vans 1 - 20m3 - FR (81)
Asta - Superiore a 100 000 KM - FR (145)
Asta - Piu 'Basso Di 100 000KM – FR (90)
Buy It Now! (1)
Business Lease PL (29)
Asta - 100% Elettrico & ibrido - FR (45)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (4)
BMW special Auction (43)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (21)
Acquista ora - FR (40)
Santander AT (37)
Alphabet - Leasingrückläufer (163)
Leasing cars without negotiation – daily results. (155)
Leasing cars without negotiation – daily results. (10)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (11)
Ayvens FSP Normal Auction (12)
Leasing Cars Sweden (30)
Leasing Cars Sweden (10)
Leasing Cars Sweden (10)
Mazda Belgium Auction (1)
Acquista ora - EV Cars - FR (50)
Autorola Premium-Leasingrückläufer (249)
Ayvens AT (65)
Ayvens Carmarket - New Arrivals (36)
Budget Cars (21)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (41)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (100)
Ayvens Carmarket - Normal Auction (78)
Nordania Leasing (41)
Alphabet AT (64)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (31)
Danish Cars Tax-free (29)
Danish Cars Tax-free (50)
Asta - Credit Recovery - FR (5)
Multi Fleet & Dealer Auction CZ (9)
Truck & Van (4)
Open Auction: Opportunities in perfect condition (direct deal between buyer and seller). (18)
Asta - Jaguar & Land Rover - FR (17)
Open Auction: Classic Vehicles (direct deal between buyer and seller). (23)
Van Mossel Vans / Commercial vehicle - NL closed bids (39)
van Mossel - Belgian Cars (115)
Van Mossel (242)
Danish Cars Tax-free (50)
Multi-Dealer & Fleet AT (26)
Asta - Veicoli Commerciali - FR (218)
Asta - VW Group - FR (21)
Danish Cars Tax-free (28)
ALD Automotive Tender CZ (100)
Exclusive Damage Car auction (4)
RCI Leasing (12)
Arval Tender - Closed Bids (168)
Mobility Concept - ex-leasing vehicles and trade-ins (247)
Asta - Noleggio a lungo termine - FR (577)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (98)
Ayvens carmarket BUY NOW (68)
Damaged Cars Selection (45)
Asta – Toyota & Lexus *Esclusivo* – FR (55)
Asta - Renault Group - FR (73)
MHC Mobility (25)
Mercedes-Benz Special Selection (43)
Friesland Lease VAN AUCTION (13)
Friesland Lease NL - Closed Bids (42)
Ayvens Carmarket - New Arrivals (56)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (12)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (30)
Damaged Cars Selection (16)
Santander cars and commercial vehicles (8)
Damaged Cars - BUY NOW (6)
Raiffeisen IMPULS Leasing vehicles (40)
Alphabet - Leasingrückläufer (68)
Tax free Vans (65)
Santander cars and commercial vehicles (129)
Arval Tender VAN Auction - Closed Bids (57)
ALD Automotive AXUS Luxembourg (Remarketing) SA Tender (98)
Erste Bank (16)
EX-LEASING Premium Selection (52)
Fleet Owner Selection (5)
RCI Banque AT (7)
Open Auction: Damaged and wrecked vehicles (direct deal between buyer and seller) (32)
Autorola BE - Auction with BUY NOW (26)
Multi-Asset AT (24)
VOLKSWAGEN Group Italia SpA (11)
Exclusive Damage Car auction (13)
100% Electric (2)
Santander Remarketing (48)
Auction- Mercedes-Benz - FR (124)
NL Truck Van & Trailer Auction (8)
Autorola Italy TRUCKS (2)
Fleet Owner Selection (1)
Premium (2)
Exclusive Leasing Cars (6)
Asta aperta (0)

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a tutte le vostre domande

Qui troverete una risposta
a tutte le vostre domande

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L'assistenza alle vendite è attiva dal Lunedì al Venerdì dalle 9.30 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 . Alle aste non hanno accesso i privati, ma esclusivamente gli operatori professionali dopo verifica della documentazione richiesta nella pagina "Nuovo Utente".

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